Code to the Moon
Code to the Moon
  • 74
  • 4 161 772
Modeling the Human Mind in Code
A birds eye view of the similarities and differences between the human brain and neural networks. Also, some thoughts around whether conscious machines are possible.
Models of the Mind by Grace Lindsay:
Keyboard: Glove80 -
Camera: Canon EOS R5
Monitor: Dell U4914DW 49in
SSD for Video Editing: VectoTech Rapid 8TB
Microphone 1: Rode NT1-A
Microphone 2: Seinheiser 416
Microphone Interface: Focusrite Clarett+ 2Pre
Tripod: JOBY GorillaPod 5K
Mouse: Razer DeathAdder
Computer: 2021 Macbook Pro
Lens 1: Canon RF50mm F 1.2L USM
Lens 2: Canon RF24mm F1.8 Macro is STM Lens
Caffeine: High Brew Cold Brew Coffee
More Caffeine: Monster Energy Juice, Pipeline Punch
Building A Second Brain book:
Переглядів: 3 992


Modern All Rust Stack - Dioxus, Axum, Warp, SurrealDB
Переглядів 47 тис.2 місяці тому
Building a note-taking app using an all Rust stack. We walk through some of the technical decisions and deep dive into several pieces of the code. Check out the Warp terminal here: Keyboard: Glove80 - Camera: Canon EOS R5 Monitor: Dell U4914DW 49in SSD for Video Editing: VectoTech Rap...
Larger Scale Software Development (and a Big Trap)
Переглядів 90 тис.3 місяці тому
A journey through some system architectures for web applications. Which ones work, which don't, and why you should think about scalability even for toy projects. The article I reference about Lambda vs EC2: Keyboard: Glove80 - Camera: Canon EOS R5 Monitor: Dell U4914DW 49in
Enchanted LLM and the bright path for open language models
Переглядів 6 тис.3 місяці тому
A look at the open source Enchanted LLM app and some thoughts about the state of open language models. Find Enchanted LLM here: Keyboard: Glove80 - Camera: Canon EOS R5 Monitor: Dell U4914DW 49in SSD for Video Editing: VectoTech Rapid 8TB Microphone 1: Ro...
Take Ctrl - Keychron Q60 Max
Переглядів 9 тис.3 місяці тому
A review of the Keychron Q60 Max Keyboard. It uses the HHKB (Happy Hacking) layout which makes quite a few common sense improvements over traditional keyboard layouts. You can order a Keychron Q60 Max here: Keyboard: Glove80 - Camera: Canon EOS R5 M...
Rust full stack web frameworks have a bright future
Переглядів 67 тис.3 місяці тому
A look at Rust full stack web frameworks, including a comparison between the Dioxus and Leptos. Keyboard: Glove80 - Camera: Canon EOS R5 Monitor: Dell U4914DW 49in SSD for Video Editing: VectoTech Rapid 8TB Microphone 1: Rode NT1-A Microphone 2: Seinheiser 416 Microphone ...
The Dygma Defy: A Software Developer's Dream?
Переглядів 53 тис.4 місяці тому
A Review of the Dygma Defy keyboard. If you'd like to purchase a Defy - Keyboard: Glove80 - Camera: Canon EOS R5 Monitor: Dell U4914DW 49in SSD for Video Editing: VectoTech Rapid 8TB Microphone 1: Rode NT1-A Microphone 2: Seinheiser 416 Microphone ...
this open source project has a bright future
Переглядів 267 тис.6 місяців тому
An introduction to and some of my favorite integrations. DevOnDuty video on gen.nvim: Keyboard: Glove80 - Stuff I use (Amazon affiliate links): Camera: Canon EOS R5 Monitor: Dell U4914DW 49in SSD for Video Editing: VectoTech Rapid 8TB ...
The Uiua Programming Language Caught Me By Surprise
Переглядів 49 тис.7 місяців тому
A brief look at the Uiua programming language, followed by some reflection on aspects of it that mainstream imperative languages might benefit from. Camera: Canon EOS R5 Monitor: Dell U4914DW 49in SSD for Video Editing: VectoTech Rapid 8TB Microphone 1: Rode NT1-A Microphone 2: Seinheiser 416 Microphone Interface: F...
The Best Way To Deploy In 2024 (feat. Docker, Rust, and Language Models)
Переглядів 19 тис.7 місяців тому
The Best Way To Deploy In 2024 (feat. Docker, Rust, and Language Models)
i tried so many keyboards - this is the one
Переглядів 112 тис.7 місяців тому
i tried so many keyboards - this is the one
The Rust Powered Database Warping The Status Quo - SpacetimeDB
Переглядів 14 тис.9 місяців тому
The Rust Powered Database Warping The Status Quo - SpacetimeDB
8 Tools For Software Development Happiness in 2023
Переглядів 28 тис.9 місяців тому
8 Tools For Software Development Happiness in 2023
Build A Full Stack Chatbot in Rust (feat. Leptos & Rustformers)
Переглядів 136 тис.10 місяців тому
Build A Full Stack Chatbot in Rust (feat. Leptos & Rustformers)
Keys To A Dream Software Development Setup
Переглядів 322 тис.11 місяців тому
Keys To A Dream Software Development Setup
The Power of Vector Databases For Knowledge Search
Переглядів 42 тис.11 місяців тому
The Power of Vector Databases For Knowledge Search
All-in-one C++, Rust, AND Python Successor? Mojo
Переглядів 43 тис.11 місяців тому
All-in-one C , Rust, AND Python Successor? Mojo
Language Models For Software Developers in 17 Minutes
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Language Models For Software Developers in 17 Minutes
Rust-Powered Log Observability at Scale
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Rust-Powered Log Observability at Scale
The Dream Programming Language? Lobster
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The Dream Programming Language? Lobster
Build Universal Libraries with Rust
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Build Universal Libraries with Rust
Why I Prefer Emacs Over VSCode and vim
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Why I Prefer Emacs Over VSCode and vim
V - Best Programming Language to Learn in 2023?
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V - Best Programming Language to Learn in 2023?
Build A Rust-Powered Journaling App (with Upstash Redis)
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Build A Rust-Powered Journaling App (with Upstash Redis)
Rust Branching - if let, match
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Rust Branching - if let, match
Rust Interior Mutability - Sneaking By The Borrow Checker
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Rust Interior Mutability - Sneaking By The Borrow Checker
Rust Powered Polymorphism ⚡️ With Traits
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Rust Powered Polymorphism ⚡️ With Traits
Rust vs 7 Other Languages You Probably Haven't Tried
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Rust vs 7 Other Languages You Probably Haven't Tried
QuestDB 🛡️ The Time Traveler's Database (Open Source)
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QuestDB 🛡️ The Time Traveler's Database (Open Source)
Is Rust the New King of Data Science?
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Is Rust the New King of Data Science?


  • @Male_Parent
    @Male_Parent 11 годин тому

    I went from wooting to planck to corne. I did not expect to like the ortholinear layout as much as I did. I was wishing my wrists weren't so cramped while I was daily driving the planck for a few months. So I looked at some options and the corne just spoke to me. This is coming from a gamer, not really a programmer. (I like the added functionality of being able to pocket the keyboard, love being able to throw them in my pockets and have a ton of functionality in such a small package). I can see why people wouldn't be able to enjoy 40% boards, it's a learning curve not a lot of people are willing to learn. You have to basically take the leap unless you have a friend that has one of these keyboards. There's also the fact that it's expensive if you don't have soldering experience.

  • @michaelbrauner
    @michaelbrauner День тому

    I still don't understand why you don't just create a Symfony / Laravel app. The whole thing is 100 times easier and up to a certain point (which almost no web app will reach) fast and sufficient. The bottlenecks of webapps are not in the programming language. But yes, keep wasting all your time on all these implementations. I make money in the meantime working on my own projects on the side.

  • @Hiren929
    @Hiren929 День тому


  • @bradd5961
    @bradd5961 День тому

    I keep going back to the Corne and have the Glove in the drawer. I feel like it has the perfect amount of keys and chocs just don't cut it for me.

  • @yanfoo
    @yanfoo 2 дні тому

    "error: could not compile `yew` (lib) due to 1 previous error" because of "error[E0277]: the trait bound `implicit_clone::unsync::IMap<_, _>: From<IndexMap<K, V>>` is not satisfied" Ooops.

  • @jamesgphillips91
    @jamesgphillips91 3 дні тому

    Started using dioxus after getting really burnt out on next/react. I’m so excited to be able to Fullstack development, including games (bevy) and ai with a single language that’s fast asf.

  • @pointeplusplus
    @pointeplusplus 3 дні тому

    This is my favorite keyboard explanation video I've seen so far! It's the one I'm going to send to my physical therapist so he doesn't have to listen to me ramble and gush over keyboards. I've been just getting into mechanical keyboard and I had a similar religious experience when I bought my first upgrade to the Womier SK71 recently. For maybe about 8 months I've had my eye on the glove80 but haven't been able to bring myself to get it. And then very recently I find out the "unsoldered" version isn't hot swappable, just sans switches soldered in. Nuuuuu, not my perfect grail/endgame keyboard gone off and made me go back to square one. I was really interested in the pro red linears since I have some finger joint issues, but if they end up being too light I'll bottom out and it'll be worse. At that price point, I really wanted to get to try out different switches and if I ever need to lube them I'm not down to solder them all. I'm a little torn and I'm considering buying something like the glove80, iris, or moonlander which all aren't exactly what. I want... and going off the rails and going full dactyl manuform mode. I think for me per-key RGB is a must to help show a layer noob like me which layer I'm on and where the keys are on that layer. I'm trying not to lose too many keys at once and I'm not even sure if I'd do better with the regular switches or the choc. If only Best Buy were full of these and I could stroll down and give them a try 😅

  • @b3owu1f
    @b3owu1f 3 дні тому

    I'm an Iris user myself.. been building them since the rev2 days where you soldered like 300 things to each half. Took about 4 to 6 hours to make one. The latest rev8 with the solid aluminum hefty frame is so nice.. keyboard doesn't move at all. That Glove 80 looks interesting though but I wouldn't want more than the keys I have on the iris with the exception of a pointer (index) finger set of two keys on each half in the center. I got used to that layout on my Model 01 (have you checked that one out??) and liked it because to your point about less finger travel, having tab/enter and/or a few other keys is very nice. I would absolutely love to go to the 3 row keyboards.. just not sure I am willing to spend the time to learn how to remember to use home keys to shift/hold in to numbers, etc.

  • @rafihmahfooz2304
    @rafihmahfooz2304 4 дні тому

    This is a great language, it has cool ideas. I am a Java developer and the python syntax really got me using the language. It was clean and easy to read. I myself don't like a lot of words on the screen. I am a graphical thinker, and looking at this made me think how easy it would be to read code using glyphs. They are clean and short you can definitely express complex code using them. They would still be readable. Uiua is breath of fresh air

  • @pointeplusplus
    @pointeplusplus 4 дні тому

    I'm so excited about the glove80 - but I'm thinking I might hold out for v3 (hopefully there will be one). It's my favorite form factor of anything out there but for me not having hot swap key sockets on a keyboard that pricey is rough. I'm still newer to mechanical keyboards and I really want to be able to try what's out there and take switches out to lube them when I want to. I'd love to see some 2.4gz wireless as well instead of bluetooth. But what a stunning board. I'm thinking I might try out something a little less expensive first but looking to do something to go easier on my hands/wrists. Do you have a recommendation for a first split ortholinear? I'm a software developer that types in Dvorak (and glove80 is one of the only keyboards that actually cares about other layouts with their keycaps and I love it). Part of me is like maybe I should just build a dactyl but it's been a while since I've soldered.

  • @deltics735
    @deltics735 6 днів тому

    I used ergo boards for several years until I discovered true mechanical keyboards and since then have reverted to normal 80%/TKL layouts (Keychron Q3 Pro, but not the SE). I spent a little time with QMK/VIA putting some regular productivity shortcuts in place, but other than that I spend most of the time on my keyboard using it to do actual work. A question that always comes to mind when watching the extent to which some people go with their layout experimentation and customisation is … how much time is spent on chasing the perfect layout (physical or key mapping) and how much more productive would it be to simply become familiar with a “good enough” layout and spend the rest of the time doing real work (and accelerating the familiarity process in, um, the process)? WPM metrics can be seductive. But PWPM is more important (Productive Words Per Minute). i.e. Words typed in doing actual work vs words typed in a synthetic WPM metric.

  • @Fluxiton
    @Fluxiton 6 днів тому

    Kinesis is worth the extra cost I cheaped out and bought the ZSA moonlander and I regret. The plastic on the ZSA is so thin it broke after a year of daily use, no good for professionals and at £350 I should have just spent the extra £150 to get a professional keyboard.

  • @BrazenNL
    @BrazenNL 6 днів тому

    3:24 I'm confused by `<C-u> 4 j`. Normally, `<C-u>` is move up half a screen, but it's not doing that. Have you remapped it?

  • @sunofabeach9424
    @sunofabeach9424 7 днів тому


  • @ev3rybodygets177
    @ev3rybodygets177 7 днів тому

    im so over AI being integrated into dev tools. If thats why you have to log into warp they are going to kill their terminal over search v2. ill just open a browser. no thanks.

  • @jeanbarbosa9
    @jeanbarbosa9 8 днів тому

    Pretty good explanation, I subscribed because of this video.

  • @chjayakrishnajk
    @chjayakrishnajk 8 днів тому

    These keyboards are really cool. the way you explained every keyboard is very good

  • @MikeNugget
    @MikeNugget 9 днів тому

    Is there any service oriented architecture example for Rust?

  • @irrelevantdata
    @irrelevantdata 9 днів тому

    qdrant can do both semantic and keyword search, as in you should be able to store text data in it as well as vectors.

  • @maheshkar772
    @maheshkar772 10 днів тому

    You’re 100% right. We cannot know if the other person is conscious. So we can’t know if the machine is conscious. Also, is consciousness & mind the same? Thoughts, feelings, intellect, ego, memory are they all mind? Is it consciousness? Have you heard of hard problem of matter & hard problem of consciousness? Panpsychism is but one flavor.

  • @hansdietrich1496
    @hansdietrich1496 10 днів тому

    What I never get: If you already lean on the snytax of another language: Why these arbitrary divergence, e.g. the curly brackets for instantiation? It doesn't need to be a perfect clone of python, but differing arbitrarily just makes it harder to switch.

  • @justinswett3724
    @justinswett3724 11 днів тому

    I ordered the Glove80 and (coming from the kinesis advatange platform) and waiting for it to arrive. I’ve been trying to find a tutorial on setting up the glove80 with home row mods - would be cool to have a short video demonstrating the process.

  • @cariyaputta
    @cariyaputta 11 днів тому

    If you don't have that type of keyboard and remapping, emacs users tend to develop carpal tunnel and pinky finger strain much more.

  • @user-gs5fc4oy8h
    @user-gs5fc4oy8h 12 днів тому

    Am I the one that pictures of Galton board for the neural network

  • @nicholashendrata
    @nicholashendrata 12 днів тому


  • @ricardom860
    @ricardom860 12 днів тому

    Thanks for your great content!!

  • @RobertKing
    @RobertKing 14 днів тому

    Great video thanks. Haven't used RwLock much before so good to know about it

  • @MsDuketown
    @MsDuketown 14 днів тому

    The Lobster language competes Cute Fish OS with curl.

  • @aqua3418
    @aqua3418 14 днів тому

    It might also be important to note that & references aren't immutable references, they're shared references. The reason these are not being called "immutable" or "read only" references, is in fact because you CAN mutate through them if it's an interior mutable type. (Mutex, RefCell, Atomic types, etc). In these cases, the underlying type ensures that any concurrent access/mutation to the data is safely done. And &mut references are exclusive references (which as you surmised are mutable in this case, that's why they're exclusive).

  • @user-hu2rs5kv1r
    @user-hu2rs5kv1r 14 днів тому

    really enjoyed the video (and must lend my love to the Warp team, the AI is such a huge help in the terminal) - I'm new to Rust and have been leaning more toward Poem because I generally have to interface with other services and need to expose some open-api/swagger. Would you approach this topic too (automatic swagger generation based on your restful api)?

  • @thesimplicitylifestyle
    @thesimplicitylifestyle 15 днів тому

    If a thing looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, acts like a duck, and thinks like a duck...

  • @Anonymous-dy2te
    @Anonymous-dy2te 15 днів тому

    js can' used in system programing.

  • @themax2go
    @themax2go 15 днів тому

    i think i cracked it

  • @ojukwuezechukwu9712
    @ojukwuezechukwu9712 16 днів тому

    Love emacs, but it just feels a bit too slow for me. Had to fall back to VIM for coding

  • @helmernordstrom3240
    @helmernordstrom3240 17 днів тому

    What order of homerow mods do you use?

  • @thegeniusfool
    @thegeniusfool 17 днів тому

    Why would one get a seg fault if it deallocating in C? Memory leak, yes, but hardly any tragic signal.

  • @Athena-2003
    @Athena-2003 17 днів тому

    Which font is that ? looks really nice

  • @Raskolnikov1705
    @Raskolnikov1705 18 днів тому

    What do you guys recommend? Corne with 36 or 42 keys? I will use it mostly for neovim.

    • @codetothemoon
      @codetothemoon 18 днів тому

      I used 36 for awhile, before deciding that I strongly prefer 42. That’s just me

    • @Raskolnikov1705
      @Raskolnikov1705 18 днів тому

      @@codetothemoon Thank you

  • @ja-rek8846
    @ja-rek8846 18 днів тому

    Try a Keyball.

    • @codetothemoon
      @codetothemoon 18 днів тому

      thanks for the recommendation - hadn't heard of this one, looks really nice!

  • @christopherprobst-ranly960
    @christopherprobst-ranly960 18 днів тому

    The stack is not faster than heap. Both are locations in main memory. True, stack might be partially in registers, but in general, stack is no different to heap. Heap memory involves an allocator which in turn of course causes more overhead (internal some atomics need to be swapped and free memory has to be found). But stack and heap are both located in equally fast main memory.

    • @codetothemoon
      @codetothemoon 18 днів тому

      I misspoke on this - thanks for pointing it out! I made a pinned comment about it.

  • @traviswhitten792
    @traviswhitten792 18 днів тому

    Do you have the source code for this up on GitHub? If so, anyway I can get the link?

    • @codetothemoon
      @codetothemoon 18 днів тому

      yep you can find it here!

  • @kavehtehrani
    @kavehtehrani 18 днів тому

    That was excellent details on Result and Option. Thank you!

    • @codetothemoon
      @codetothemoon 18 днів тому

      thanks really happy you found it valuable!

  • @LukasRotermund
    @LukasRotermund 18 днів тому

    Wow, this is a brilliant video! I had some trouble with the borrowing, but now I've got it, thanks to you! 💡

    • @codetothemoon
      @codetothemoon 18 днів тому

      fantastic, really happy this particular approach made things clearer for you!

  • @kirasmith1147
    @kirasmith1147 18 днів тому

    Variable name into alpha is awful for readability in anything but simple cases. If a symbol doesn't provide obvious syntactical advantage, which 0 of these do, then it's completely counter productive. There has to be an actual reason beside "it's shorter", because even in a world where everyone knows them on sight, you threw away contextual information

  • @dreamsofcode
    @dreamsofcode 19 днів тому

    This is such a good video. Your cadence and knowledge density is pretty much perfect. Great work, dude.

  • @cwirz
    @cwirz 20 днів тому

    Im working on a software project written in rust that does exactly what you explained about spiking neural networks

  • @jeffg4686
    @jeffg4686 20 днів тому

    except, replace dioxus with bevy

  • @combatLaCarie
    @combatLaCarie 20 днів тому

    "how did I get here" LMAO my life.

  • @nanashi2622
    @nanashi2622 20 днів тому

    I shy away from Warp, but when you said vim motions, I'm sold.

    • @nanashi2622
      @nanashi2622 20 днів тому

      On second thought, nah. I just added vi motions plugin for zsh. Warp is not too customizable like my current terminal emulator, alacritty.

  • @UnderscoreNorth
    @UnderscoreNorth 20 днів тому

    Thanks for the video, but was hoping you'd show code being typed to showcase the use of layers.